Despite being held later than usual due to the busy OPA calendar, the Old Paradians' Association recently undertook its AGM, where the following office bearers and committee members were elected:
Paul Shannon (1985), President
Andy Walsh (1971), Vice President
Angelo Mazzone (1982), Treasurer
John Nicholls, Secretary
Committee Members elected include Mark Aiello (1990), John Ramsdale (1966), Steve Nailer (1987), John Dinan (1977), Jean Luc Dal Pra (1998), Michael Donato (2017). We also welcomed new member Patrick Collins (1998) to the Committee.
The newly elected Committee was able to acknowledge and thank John Abrahams (1982), Paul Evans (1986) and Paul Hume (2006) for their contribution to the Old Paradians Association as Committee Members over a long period of time. Each have concluded their formal membership but will continue to support the Association where they can into the future.
The Committee is looking to establish sub committees inviting Old Paradians and men and women from the Parade College community with skills and experiences to assist the OPA with its strategic plans and aims. Some of these include Governance, Finance, Marketing, OPA Awards, Education & Careers.
These sub committees would not be a large time commitment, meetings would be conducted largely via Zoom with perhaps 3- 4 meetings annually.
If any men or women in the Old Paradian or Parade College communities who have skills and experience in any of these fields would like to contribute, please contact John Nicholls - or phone 94683301.