The recent Old Paradians' Association RACV Luncheon was a success despite the cold mid-July weather. The event was well-attended, with around 60 people in the room. Pat Mount (1963) once again did an excellent job as the Master of Ceremonies, welcoming special guests and attendees. Honorary Old Paradian, Keith Sharkie, was acknowledged and thanked for his outstanding work in organising the luncheon.

Special guests included Vicar General and Bishop-elect Monsignor Joe Caddy AM (1977), 1980 Stawell Gift winner and guest speaker, John Dinan (1977), College Principal Mark Aiello (1990), College Business Manager Paul Harris (1997), Old Paradians' Association Football Club Coach Ben Turner and Old Paradians' Association past President Lance Phillips (1945).

John Dinan gave a most interesting presentation on his athletics career highlighted by his victory in the Stawell Gift in 1980, winning the Backmarkers Invitation Handicap from scratch in 1981, and in later years twice ran second in that event. John spoke of his contribution to professional foot running when he and Chris Perry took on the amateurs to become the first professional runners to be selected to represent Australia at the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh in 1986. Today John is finding a lot of joy in watching his sons follow in his athletic footsteps.

We were most pleased to make a presentation to Lance Phillips to acknowledge and thank him for his role as an Old Paradians' Association President from 1976-77. Lance is a regular at the RACV luncheon, travelling down to the city from Kilmore with Mick McAleer. Lance spoke fondly of his time as President, a highlight he recalled was the popular ‘champagne on the lawns’. Lance’s late wife, Maree, also served as President of the Ladies Auxiliary.

Lace Phillips (1945)
Lace Phillips (1945)
John Dinan (1977)
John Dinan (1977)