In October 1936, after acting on the advice of the then Principal Brother TB Garvey, the Old Paradians’ Association held the first of its regular monthly Luncheons - at Buckley and Nunn’s Dining Room in the city.

On that historic occasion, more than 70 Old Paradians came together to break bread and hear from the guest speaker, C.M.S. Power - the ex-President of the Association and also of the Australian Aero Club.

Today, more than 80 years later, the Luncheon – quite possibly the longest continuous Luncheon in the world – is held at the RACV City Club Melbourne.

Sadly, its numbers are dwindling.

As such, the Old Paradians’ Association is making a call to arms to any interested parties who may have the time and wherewithal to contribute to the ongoing viability and success of the Luncheon.

The Association is seeking the support of those involved with the monthly RACV event – and others – to form a sub-committee with the mandate of ensuring the Luncheon’s long-term success.

Those interested in forming an action committee are urged to contact Tony De Bolfo at your earliest convenience – 9468 3301 or - to ensure that those Old Paradians lost to the Luncheon are replaced by the next generation of former students who believe in the monthly event as a means of retaining old school friendships.

While 1936 was the year in which the first Old Paradians’ Association Luncheon was held, it was also the year in which the thylacine, or “Tasmanian tiger” became extinct.

Can you help save the Luncheon?