The Old Paradians' Association was first established in 1914 with its own rules and constitution and in November 2011 registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria as a not-for-profit Incorporated Association.

The Old Paradians’ Association’s Executive Committee comprises the President, Vice-President, Treasurer & Secretary and is supported by six Committee Members.

Sub Committees, chaired by a Committee Member, oversee keystone activities which currently include the Awards Committee and Foundation Committee.

The Committee consists of four Parade College staff members and nine Parade College alumni.

Any student who was enrolled at Parade College or is an Honorary Old Paradian is eligible for membership in the Association.

Positioned within the College’s Development Office, the Alumni Officer and Alumni Administration Assistant are employed by the College to implement the work of the Association.

The purpose of the OPA is to support the goals of Parade College by collaborating on initiatives that strengthen ties between alumni, Parade College, and the wider Parade community.

The OPA welcomes Committee participation by members of the Parade College community. Please contact us if you would like to become involved.

The current OPA Committee includes:

Angelo Mazzone (1982), Committee Member

Michael Donato (2017), President

John Nicholls (Hon OP), Committee Member

Anthony Mercandate (1988), Committee Member)

Scott La Ferlita (1993), Vice President

Mark Aiello (1990), Committee Member

Patrick Collins (1998), Committee Member

Peter Bonadio (2014), Secretary

Matthew Warke (2023), Committee Member

Ryan Jones (2010), Treasurer

Joseph Marchio, Committee Member

Historic Executive Office Bearers
2025M DonatoP Bonadio


2024AG MazzoneJ NichollsN/A
2023PA Shannon/AG MazzoneJ NichollsN/A
2022 PA Shannon J Nicholls N/A
2021 PA Shannon J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2020 PA Shannon J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2019 LV Derrico/PA Shannon J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2018 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2017 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2016 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2015 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2014 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2013 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2012 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2011 LV Derrico J Nicholls AJ De Bolfo
2010 LV Derrico P Gregor AJ De Bolfo
2009 no committee
2008 no committee
2007 no committee
2006 no committee
2005 no committee
2004 W Schofield M McKinley
2003 W Schofield M McKinley
2002 W Schofield M McKinley
2001 W Schofield M McKinley
2000 W Schofield M McKinley
1999 W Schofield G Egan
1998 W Schofield G Egan
1997 W Schofield G Egan
1996 W Schofield G Egan
1995 W Schofield A Finanzio/G Egan
1994 B Mansfield G Rodrigues
1993 B Mansfield G Rodrigues
1992 B Mansfield G Rodrigues
1991 AR Stella G Rodrigues
1990 AR Stella G Rodrigues
1989 AR Stella G Rodrigues
1988 AR Stella G Rodrigues
1987 P Johnston I Wheeler
1986 P Johnston I Wheeler
1985 P Johnston A Croughan
1984 B Mansfield P Johnston
1983 B Mansfield P Johnston
1982 RT Money P Johnston
1981 RT Money F Earley
1980 AR Stella RT Money
1979 AR Stella RT Money
1978 AR Stella RT Money
1977 LJ Phillips AR Stella
1976 LJ Phillips AR Stella
1975 KG Johnston RT Money
1974 KG Johnston RT Money
1973 KG Johnston RT Money
1972 AR Stella RT Money
1971 AR Stella BJ Bergin
1970 AR Stella BJ Bergin
1969 B Williams BJ Bergin
1968 B Williams WJ Dunne
1967 RP Shingler WJ Dunne
1966 JG Gorman WJ Dunne
1965 JG Gorman WJ Dunne
1964 JG Gorman WJ Dunne
1963 FP Mount NB Purcell
1962 FP Mount NB Purcell
1961 LJ Kelly NB Purcell
1960 LJ Kelly RM Hallam
1959 RP Shingler RM Hallam
1958 RP Shingler CR Gonzales
1957 RP Shingler RF Barnett
1956 JF Collopy RF Barnett
1955 JF Collopy WJ Dunne
1954 JF Collopy WJ Dunne
1953 R Williams WJ Dunne
1952 R Williams RP Shingler
1951 TJ Foley RP Shingler
1950 TJ Foley RP Shingler
1949 JG Gorman RP Shingler
1948 JG Gorman RP Shingler
1947 DK Barker AF Williams
1946 DK Barker AF Williams
1945 DK Barker AF Williams
1944 TJ Cleary AF Williams
1943 TJ Cleary DK Barker
1942 JA Gorman DK Barker
1941 PA Matthews DK Barker
1940 L Arthur AF Williams
1939 L Arthur AF Williams
1938 JA Gorman AT Butler
1937 JA Gorman AT Butler
1936 JA Gorman WH Amad
1935 JA Gorman WH Amad
1934 GL Belleville JD Coyne
1933 GL Belleville J Tyrrell
1932 CMS Power FP Walsh
1931 CMS Power FP Walsh
1930 PA Matthews FP Walsh
1929 PA Matthews L Arthur
1928 PA Matthews L Arthur
1927 PA Matthews L Arthur
1926 PA Matthews FJ Reardon
1925 JA Gorman JS Shiels
1924 JF Collopy TP Hoey
1923 J Kennelly TS McCarthy
1922 J Kennelly L Bacash
1921 PA Matthews L Bacash
1920 CB Cantwell F Frawley
1919 CB Cantwell JF Collopy
1918 JF Boyle JF Collopy
1917 JF Cody M Sullivan/J Collopy
1916 FE O'Connell M Sullivan
1915 FE O'Connell M Sullivan
1914 JH Kennedy LP Cosgrave